Ezekiel, Week 11 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 40-43 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 10 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 36-39 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 9 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 32-35 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 8 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 28-32 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 7 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 25-28 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 6 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 22-24 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 5 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 19-21 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 4 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 16-18 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Ezekiel, Week 3 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in Ezekiel 11-15 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

Unlikely (Christmas) Heroes, Part 3
Passage: Philippians 2:8-11 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich concludes this series by focusing on Jesus as the ultimate Christmas hero due to the handicaps he faced by becoming human. Because we are all handicapped in some way, Dr. Goepfrich reminds us that heroes do not let their handicaps define or deter them. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]